Is it time we met who you go to for advice about big life decisions?
beloWhen it comes to your working life and financial future, there are few bigger decisions than joining a franchise. I’m always here to answer any questions for you, of course, and speaking to a 3rd party professional is always helpful, but who is your go-to trusted advisor?
Who else do you need to involve in the decision making?
For most people, the single most important people they need to bring in on this decision are those in their lives it will affect the most. For most people, that will be their partner and family members. You might be quite excited about what a franchise opportunity can offer you, but they might have a more cautious approach or want to dig a bit deeper before they give you the green light.
They are probably the people whose opinion matters most to you when it comes to a major life move, and it’s not just your time, finances, and future on the line – it’s theirs, too. Which is why I always think it’s a great idea to bring your partner or spouse into the decision making as much as possible, and as early as possible.
In fact, there are plenty of great examples where Cafe2U franchises have grown into fantastic, family-run businesses! Even if that is not where you see it going, moving forward as a team is going to be absolutely essential to your success.
So, have you discussed a Cafe2U franchise with your partner? What concerns or questions do they have?
I’m going to be putting a new video together soon all about the most important topics you should discuss with your loved ones when considering a Cafe2U franchise, and how to find the answers you need. I am hoping it will help you to have a more structured conversation about it and ensure that you are both able to make an informed decision.
So, keep an eye out for that soon! In the meantime, please feel free to write down any of their questions and send them on to me, or bring them up in a call.
Or, perhaps we can all have a chat together?
In the past, I’ve found bringing partners on to one of our calls to be really effective. Quite often, they bring a fresh perspective to the idea and how it will affect your lives, and can help you identify challenges or benefits we might have overlooked so far.
So, why don’t we set that up? I am more than happy to speak to the both of you and provide some friendly advice – in fact, I recommend it!
Just click the button below to schedule a time that suits you.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Franchise Consultant