New videos to answer all your biggest questions about the Cafe2U franchise

Over the last few months, I’ve been having a lot of really great conversations with people like you who are interested in the Cafe2U franchise. Many of you have been asking the same questions, so I have decided to put together a series of FAQ videos to help you. Of course, you are still more than welcome to speak to me directly anytime, but I hope you will find these useful.

They are all just a minute or two long, so are a great way to get the answers you need quickly.

The first three are all about explaining what Cafe2U is all about, how it works, and what’s in it for you:

Another great video to help you understand more about Cafe2U is this fantastic interview with the MD, Martyn Ward, from last year’s Franchise Marketing Show. Martyn obviously plays a huge role in supporting franchisees keeping the business at the very forefront of the marketing, so it’s well worth understanding a bit more about him.

It’s a bit longer than my short snippets, but it really does give a fantastic insight into what makes Cafe2U stand out as both a business, and as a franchise. You can watch it here:

Martyn Ward from Cafe2U | The Franchise Marketing Show

What big questions would you like to see answered?

I’m going to be following up with some more videos on the training and support the franchise offers, a breakdown of the investment required, and how much you can expect to earn as a mobile café owner.

However, are there any other big questions you would like me to address? Maybe you’d like to discuss some of these topics in more detail, or find out how they apply specifically to you and the territory you want to work in?

If so, there is no need to wait. You can schedule a call with me any time using the button below. I am always happy to chat about this fantastic franchise opportunity.

John Overdijking

Franchise Consultant